Fee is payable monthly in advance by10th of each month.
Fee can also be paid from 10th to 20th with a fine of 5/ and from 21 st last working day of the month with a fine of 20/ and after that, with a fine of 100/-
Fee is paid in cash only in the school office on all working days during hours i.e. from 9.00 am to 12,30pm while on Saturday 9.00 am to 11.00 only.
If fee is not deposited by the end of the month, the name o child may be struck off the rolls and will be re admitted only after payment of dues along with the readmission fees etc.
Fee for monsoon vacation / winter vacation shall be charged in the preceding month.
Fee of March will be charged in the month of February.
Duplicate fee card can be issued on payment of 10/-.